I’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback since I launched this new Website; many thanks!
Out of all the notes I’ve gotten, though, one question keeps popping up: “What’s the deal with that picture on the home page, of the bride and groom pouring (is it anti-freeze?) into a bucket?”Here’s the whole story:
At the time we met to plan their wedding ceremony, Eric and Cindy were both ‘motorheads’; if I remember correctly, one of them worked as a mechanic at a car dealership, and the other one worked for a custom-motorcycle manufacturer.
When Cindy and I started talking about a ‘Sand Ceremony’ at their wedding, Eric had no earthly idea what we were talking about. “The idea is to mix two sets of sand together,” I explained, “to show how two things – like the two of you – can mix together so completely, so thoroughly, that they can never be taken apart ever again.” Eric thought about that for a moment, and said, “I just had an idea – but it’s a stupid one.”
“No idea is stupid,” I replied. ‘Whatcha got?”
“Well,” he said, “if you mix synthetic anti-freeze and glycol-based anti-freeze together, they chemically bond, and they can never come apart again. I thought that would be more ‘us’ than just sand… but, nah, that’s a dumb idea.”
“No,” I said, “you’re going to have to talk me out of doing that – that’s the coolest idea I’ve ever heard!”
And so, on a lovely evening a few months later up in San Dimas, Eric and Cindy ‘did their thing’, their guests were delighted, and we all got a wedding moment we will never forget!