All is not as it appears…
Click on this cake, and check out its “split personality”!
by Rich Cowley
by Rich Cowley
Obviously, I’ve been to a LOT of weddings. But, that also means I’ve also been to a LOT of wedding receptions.
It stands to reason, then, that I’ve seen a lot of wedding cakes, all of them lovely, of course…
For a wedding cake to be really memorable, though, it can’t just be pretty: IMHO, it also has to reflect the couple perfectly. And, given that we’re well into the 21st Century, a couple’s romantic side sometimes takes on, well, a different feel…
A friend just sent me this link of cakes that synch up to their couples beautifully:
I hope you get as big a kick out of it as I did – Enjoy!
by Rich Cowley
by Rich Cowley
Friend of mine sent me this link recently. I was fine with it, even chuckled a bit, until I heard the phrase “wiped the competition”…
by Rich Cowley
When Tiffanie and Justin got married over the July 4th weekend (that most American of holidays), they decided their ceremony theme should be – what else? – baseball. But, these two added a twist: “Hey, Rich, can you marry us together while wearing umpire’s gear?”
[clearboth] A hot summer afternoon, no shade in sight; I’m a guy in a black suit, now wearing extra layers that guarantee I’ll get no breeze on my face or body. Hey, what could go wrong?
Well, of course, nothing went wrong, and the wedding was perfect and (now) unforgettable. Talk about batting 1.000!
by Rich Cowley
I’m a pretty easy-going guy at a wedding rehearsal – except for one small part of it.
When we get to the part where the couple places their rings on one another, I’m always super-careful and super-respectful; we’ll go over the handling of the rings again and again, until we all have it perfect.
Apparently, some other ministers ‘didn’t get the memo’; click on the image, and see what I mean. Enjoy!
by Rich Cowley
As a wedding minister, I’ve heard a LOT of proposal stories; some went perfectly, others had the wheels fell off completely!
A friend of mine told me his son made a movie about an adorable proposal story. His video is now getting a lot of attention and, once I saw it, I knew why.
Check it out yourself, and enjoy!
by Rich Cowley
by Rich Cowley
by Rich Cowley
I’ve worked with professional photographer Najee Williams for years. Najee is a real pro; I’m always amazed at his work!
We’ve worked together on lots of non-wedding projects, and now he tells me his new business is designed specifically for weddings:
NetNuptials (a Hocus Pocus Focus company) offers multiple camera, Hi-Definition broadcasting (streaming) of weddings. They don’t just offer wedding videography, they offer wedding productions! Now, family and friends across the nation (and even around the world) can view your wedding on their computer, smartphone or even on TV.
[clearboth] Check them out at; enjoy!